Setup testnet CLN+VLS+CLBOSS server in SOCKET mode

In SOCKET mode th VLS signer runs on the VLSHOST. In production this host is rigorously secured.

The CLNHOST can be any general purpose unix computer capable of running a lightning node and some associated services.

The TXOHOST can be any general purpose unix computer capable of running a bitcoind and a txood oracle.

In development and testing the CLNHOST, VLSHOST, and TXOHOST may be the same host.


  1. One Time Setup
  2. Setup Bitcoind testnet Service
  3. Setup TXOOD testnet Service
  4. Setup CLN testnet Service
  5. Setup VLS testnet Service
  6. Setup CLBOSS and CLN Plugins
  7. Update CLN+VLS Software
  8. Configure journalctl